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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment


Guest experts from across and beyond Cambridge joined the Forum's meetings to help us to question the witnesses and to think about different aspects of cities.

Profiles of all the guests

 Jamie  Anderson
A PhD student,
Cambridge Wellbeing Institute and the Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Dr Britt  Baillie
Affiliated Lecturer: Division of Archaeology
Research Member, Centre for Urban Conflicts Research,
University of Cambridge
 Ed  Barsley
PhD student, Centre for Risk in the Built Environment (CURBE),
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
 Hannah  Becker
Programme Officer, East Africa and Executive Assistant to the CEO,
Fauna and Flora International (FFI)
 Richard  Brooke
Planning & Environment Manager, East England Forest District
Forestry Commission,
01842 816018
Dr Claire  Craig
Deputy Head,
Government Office for Science (GOS)
Dr Heather  Cruickshank
University Lecturer and co-founder of the Centre for Sustainable Development,
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Dr Sumi  David
Senior Research Analyst,
Research Strategy Office, University of Cambridge
Dr Mark  Dowson
Sustainability engineer,
Buro Happold
 Darren  Ferry
Preconstruction Manager,
Kier Group
Professor Lynn  Gladden
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research
Shell Professor of Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge
 Diane  Haigh
Director of Allies and Morrison, Architects
Fellow and Director of Studies at Trinity Hall, the University of Cambridge
Dr  Tony  Hargreaves
Senior Research Associate,
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
 David  Hart
Head of Economic Regulation and Quinquennial Review,
British Airways
Currently a CSaP Industry Fellow
Dr Peter  Hedges
Head of the University Research Office,
University of Cambridge
01223 761443
Dr Felipe  Hernandez
University Lecturer and Chair of the 'Cities South of Cancer' research group,
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Dr Ying  Jin
University Lecturer (sabbatical leave 2014-15),
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Professor Charles  Kennel
Director Emeritus, Vice-Chancellor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego
A Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Christ’s College and the inaugural Visiting Research Fellow at Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy
 Hywel  Lloyd
Facilitator & Public Services Catalyst
 Richard  Morris
Farm Manager for the Wimpole Estate, Cambridgeshire
National Trust
Dr Wendy  Pullan
Head of Research and Director of the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies,
Department of Architecturee, University of Cambridge
Dr Deborah  Pullen
Group Research Director,
BRE (the Building Research Establishment)
 Mike  Ratterman
Design Manager,
Kier Group
Dr Martin  Roberts
Director of the University of Cambridge Natural Capital Leaders Platform,
Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), University of Cambridge
Professor Alan  Short
Professor of Architecture
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Dr Maximilian  Sternberg
University Lecturer,
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
 Stijn  van Ewijk
PhD student,
Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London (UCL)
Dr Liz  Watson
Senior Lecturer and Pybus Fellow of Newnham College,
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge