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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



Michael Batty is, by training, an architect-planner. He is currently Bartlett Professor of Planning (Emeritus) and Chairman of the Management Board of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA). He has been at UCL since 1995 building up CASA as an interdisciplinary centre focussed on the development of mathematical and computer methods in geographical information science, urban and regional modelling, and the scientific theory of cities. His most recent book The New Science of Cities is published by MIT Press (2013)

Professor of Planning, and Chairman, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis,
Faculty of the Built Environment, University College, London (UCL)
Professor Michael  Batty
Not available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
the scientific theory of cities
planning, particularly transport and infrastructure
the development of computer models of cities and regions
geographical information science, urban and regional modelling