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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



Bojana is interested in the global food security, climate change and land use. Her research points to the importance of addressing food waste and sustainable diets from climate mitigation perspective. She is also contributing to the resource-nexus model called Foreseer, integrating a range of land-related topics: urbanisation, agricultural production, biodiversity and the role of land in global carbon and water cycle.

Before joining University of Cambridge, Bojana worked as environmental consultant. She holds an MSc in Environmental Technology form Imperial College London and a degree in Landscape Planning from University of Ljubljana.

Doctoral Researcher, Low Carbon and Materials Processing group,
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
 Bojana  Bajzelj
Not available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
biodiversity and the role of land in global carbon and water cycle
land use
the impact of climate change on natural and managed land and interactions between land and energy/water resources
urbanisation, agricultural production and food security