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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



An architect and environmental design specialist, Koen Steemers was recently listed as one of the "top 50 most influential people in UK sustainability" by Building Design. His current work deals with the architectural and urban implications of environmental issues ranging from energy use to human comfort. He focuses on the environmental performance of buildings and cities with a particular interest in human perception and behaviour. He is Professor of Sustainable Design in the Department of Architecture, was Director of the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies (03-08), and is a Director of Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd. 

Head of Department and Professor of Sustainable Design
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Professor Koen  Steemers
Not available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
the architectural potential of environmental issues such as energy, light and comfort
the environmental performance of buildings and cities, with a particular interest in human perception and behaviour
climate change
the architectural and urban implications of environmental issues