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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



Theo oversees the development and delivery of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)’s portfolio of graduate programmes.

Before completing his PhD at Cambridge, Theo spent 15 years working in industry, mostly on the environmental and social impact assessment of major projects. His initial degrees were Civil and Environmental Engineering, and he is particularly interested in how sustainability can be incorporated into design and decision-making. Prior to joining CISL he was a Senior Research Associate at Cambridge’s Engineering Department, where he oversaw an industry-funded research programme into energy efficiency in the built environment. Outside of work Theo and his wife enjoy renovating their historical farm cottage.

Director, Graduate Programmes,
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), University of Cambridge
Dr Theo  Hacking
Not available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
energy efficiency in the built environment
the environmental and social impact assessment of major projects