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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



Rosemary is currently researching strategies to communicate the link between diet choice and the environment. She aims to develop a sustainable food smartphone application and online platform to help consumers make affordable, nutritious, and environmentally sustainable diet choices. 

Rosemary's background is in biology, and earth and environmental sciences. Her PhD focused on the impact of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil on environmental sustainability in the palm oil industry and was supervised by Professor David Howarth (Land Economy) and Dr. David Reiner (Judge Business School). Her research explored the palm oil supply chain, and involved: 1) comparing land use change in matched RSPO certified and non-certified oil palm plantations, 2) surveying and interviewing consumer goods manufacturers and retailers on the uptake of certified sustainable palm oil, and 3) conducting surveys on public awareness of palm oil in collaboration with YouGov.