Alison joined FFI in April 2014 after returning from the Democratic Republic of Congo where she was the Programme Manager for the Frankfurt Zoological Society. From early 2011 Alison was based in the headquarters of the Virunga National Park and was responsible for multi-donor project implementation including the GEF National Parks Network Rehabilitation Project. Focussing on protected area management, Alison also oversaw projects that supported the Maiko and Upemba National Parks and lead on programme assessment, development of the national strategy and the resulting project design. Alison also became experienced in developing and leading operations in conflict zones. She specialises in species population estimates and has contributed to analysis of sampling methodology of great apes in Central Africa and has advised the government of St Lucia on best practice management and monitoring of the St Lucia Parrot. Alison is currently leading the FFI Africa Regional Team to address threats to species and habitat conservation focussing on different protected area management systems, sustainable use of forest and forest related resources and engagement with business. Alison previously worked as a Project Manager for the GSMA, managing mobile money projects.