Between October 2016 and June 2017, our topic is 'health, wellbeing and sustainability' and each term, we are exploring a different theme.
First, in October, November and December, we focused on the determinants of health and wellbeing in places. We started by exploring these connections in places where we live and work, before moving on to green spaces in cities and the way in which they can be designed to benefit people's health, bring communities together and have a positive effect on nature. As always, the working title of the final meeting of term was 'catalyzing change' and we discussed the role that policy, industry and communities could play in shaping cities in ways that benefit people and the environment.
Between January and March 2017, we built on the discussions we had during our second topic and focused on diets. We started by looking at how our diets may change in the future and ways in which these changes could impact the environment. We then turned to what drives the choices people make and finally, we discussed the role that policy, industry, advocacy and education could play in changing what people eat.
In the third term we will explore health, wellbeing and sustainability in a changing world. In May, we will build on some of the discussions we had during our first term when we talked about where we live and work, to discuss 'blue and green cities: from theory to reality'. The final meeting of the year in June will bring together people who are designing, creating and thinking about ways to bring innovative green spaces into the heart of future cities.
A panel of three expert 'witnesses' from across and beyond Cambridge join us each month to provide their perspective on the gaps in our knowledge and burning questions for future research. Guests and early career researchers who work in the area we are discussing also come each month to help us to question the the panel and to provide specialist input.
If you would like more information about these themes, please contact Dr Rosamunde Almond (r.almond@damtp.cam.ac.uk)