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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



David Nally is a human geographer and member of the Natures, Cultures, Knowledges and the Population, Health and Histories Research Groups. His research interests include the political economy of agrarian change; the economic and socio-cultural dimensions of colonisation; the history of subsistence crises; and the geopolitics of disaster relief.

He recently completed a monograph, Human Encumbrances: Political Violence and the Great Irish Famine (University Notre Dame Press, 2011) and a co-authored textbook, Key Concepts in Historical Geography (Sage, 2014). David teaches courses on historical and contemporary human geography, research methods, and the politics of hunger. He was the editor of the RGS-IBG's monograph series on Historical Geography from 2007-2011.

Senior Lecturer in Human Geography,
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
Dr David  Nally
Not available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
the geopolitics of disaster relief
the history of subsistence crises
food security
the political economy of agrarian change
the economic and socio-cultural dimensions of colonisation