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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



Ian Leslie is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory with interests in operating systems, distributed systems, and networks. This work is done within the Systems Research Group of the Laboratory.
His research interests have been in computer networks and operating systems - particularly in respect of performance guarantees.

More recently he has focused on the use of information systems to reduce energy demand. This has resulted in two different campaigns. One is about making energy information more readily available - public availability of raw information and tools that can interpret such information and trying to drive down the cost of fine-grain electricity monitoring. The other is a dual realisation that (i) we lack information on occupant behaviour that we might use to contextualise energy use, and (ii) that the way we distribute power for lighting is badly out-of-date. More information about the work he is doing in these areas can be found on his Computer Science profile page.

From 1999 to 2004, he was Head of the Computer Laboratory, and from January 2004 to 2009 he was the University's Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research. The PVC job involved co-ordinating research policy, providing the academic oversight of the handling of research grants and contracts, interacting with industrial sponsors and interacting with UK government on research and third stream funding. 

Professor of Computer Science,
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Professor Ian  Leslie
Not available for consultancy