Mariana has a degree in Biological Engineering from Technical University of Lisbon (2003) and a PhD from the University of Strathclyde with Masterfoods (2008), investigating novel fungal protein sources for food applications. For the last two years she has been working as a PDRA on an 4-year FP7 funded project, SeaBiotech - seeking to understand and develop successful industrial exploitation of promising activities in marine microorganisms (Images of Research participation).
Parallel to her research, Mariana was also a key team member who put forward the successful bid to the Scottish Funding Council for the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre, IBioIC. In October 2013 she was awarded an EPSRC Impact Accelerator Account grant to exploit integrated and flexible product mix fermentation processes for food, feed and fuel from a single low cost cereal substrate. This has led to a patent application and it is now through the final stages of a Scottish Enterprise proof of concept application.
Mariana's role in the Department is to coordinate CambPlants, a Cambridge University initiative that provides an umbrella for activities with relevance to plants as contributors to food, energy, materials, health and ecosystem services.
- to develop internal and external synergies and partnerships
- to foster interdisciplinary interactions across Cambridge University and support funding applications
- to intensify collaborative activities with the Strategic Initiatives and Networks
- to inform and interact with public, government and NGOs
- to provide advice and guidance for impact case studies