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Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment



Alan Short is Professor of Architecture at the University of Cambridge, a Professorial Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and Principal of Short and Associates Architects. His research group develops passive and hybrid low-energy design strategies for non-domestic buildings in different climates, new-build and rebuild, projecting their future performance against current climate change predictions.

He and his research collaborators also design and build innovative low-energy buildings through Short and Associates Architects. The practice, which has won a number of awards, invents innovative, low-energy building design strategies for education, research, industry and commerce across the world’s populated climate regions.

A 10 minute film outlining his work with the NHS can be found here.

Professor of Architecture
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Professor Alan  Short
Not available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
low energy building design strategies, particularly the NHS and also for education, research, industry and commerce
projecting the future performance of new and existing buildings against current climate change predictions
climate change and sustainability for the built and natural environments