Deputy Director of the Forum,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge,
44 (0)1223 764 076
Postdoctoral Reseacher,
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge
A PhD student in the Centre for Urban Conflict Research (UCR),
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Senior Lecturer Landscape Management, Ecology & Design,
Department of Landscape, University of Sheffield
Professor of Parasitology and Director of the Cambridge-Africa Programme,
Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge
Lecturer in Development,
Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Founding Director,
Grant Associates
Professor of Plant Ecology,
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge
Climate Scientist in the Atmosphere, Ice and Climate team,
British Antarctic Survey
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Director of the Well-being Institute at the University of Cambridge,
Professor at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at Australian Catholic University
Director of the Forum
The G.I. Taylor Professor of Fluid Mechanics,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge
Emeritus Professor of Meteorology at the University of Reading and currently a visiting professor in the Cavendish Laboratory and a visiting fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
Researcher based within the Policy Research Group,
Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge
Co-ordinator of the EPSRC project Managing Air in Green Inner Cities (MAGIC), Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,
Communications and Outreach Coordinator of the Department of Sociology,
University of Cambridge
Undergraduate at Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, studying Biochemistry and Philosophy,
A visiting student at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER)
Professor of Architecture
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Professor of Plant Biochemistry,
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge
Head of Partnerships and Development of the Forum,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge
Coordinator of the Intellectual Forum and Senior Research Associate,
Jesus College, University of Cambridge
Head of Department and Professor of Sustainable Design
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Coordinator of the PublicHealth@Cambridge strategic research network,
Cambridge Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge
Career Development Fellow,
UKCRC Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), MRC Epidemiology Unit,
University of Cambridge
Royal Society Research Professor,
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge