A conservation biologist, a civil engineer, a landscape architect and city-level policy makers from the Greater London Authority helped us to think about the role that green spaces could play future in cities.
Affiliated Lecturer: Division of Archaeology
Research Member, Centre for Urban Conflicts Research,
University of Cambridge
Emeritus Professor of Land Use and Transport Studies,
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
KLH Sustainability
University Lecturer and Chair of the 'Cities South of Cancer' research group,
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Head of Planning Policy
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Policy and Programmes Manager for Climate Change Adaptation and Water,
Greater London Authority
Master of Emmanuel College and formerly the Director General of the National Trust
Professor of Landscape Architecture at the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA), Director of the OPENspace research centre and Associate Dean for Research, Knowledge Exchange and Impact for the College of Humanities and Soci
University of Edinburgh