Tom Armour is a chartered landscape architect with 30 years landscape experience working on a wide range of major development projects in the UK and internationally. Tom leads the global landscape architectural practice at Arup, which provides a wide range of design services from feasibility and concept design to implementation. The practice aims to achieve integrated landscape design on all projects through a creative and cost-effective design approach that looks to integrate landscape with engineering, ecology and natural systems.
Tom believes in a rigorous approach to landscape design and promoting practical and economic sustainable resolutions on projects. He believes that landscape design is a key profession to address 21st Century issues: creating more liveable cities, addressing climate change, designing for health and well being, and promoting the economic, environmental and social value of good landscape and public realm design.
Recently, he co-authored a report, Cities Alive – Rethinking green infrastructure – showing how the creation of a linked ‘city ecosystem’ that encompasses parks and open spaces; urban trees, streets, squares; woodland and waterways can help create healthier, safer and more prosperous cities.
He founded landscape architecture at Arup in 1990 and developed the business that now includes a network of landscape architectural teams in offices in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Johannesburg, Leeds, Newcastle, Brisbane, Sydney and Hong Kong.
Experienced in all aspects of business management, contract experience and in the coordination of multi-disciplinary teams. His role as leader of the landscape practice includes business development and management, client care, staff management, development, mentoring, continuing professional development, financial control and project management.